IWC Bamberg e.V.

Welcome to our homepage!

The IWC Bamberg was founded over 60 years ago. It is one of 30 independent member clubs of the Federation of German-American Clubs. Its purpose is to bring German and American women together and to promote and deepen friendship, mutual understanding and tolerance among people of different nationalities.

Since 1957 the Federation has sponsored more than 2000 scholarships for German and American university students, thus representing the largest privately financed exchange program of that kind in Germany. Students of both nationalities are given the chance of studying one year at a university abroad.

The Federation also organizes a two-weeks' stay in Germany and the USA for a smaller group of youths (aged 14-18 years) who have a good command of the English language.

Our aim is to create an atmosphere of cooperation, understanding and friendship among people of different nationalities and to intensify international relations. At the same time we engage in charitable projects and activities.

Our Activities:

For current activities please check our Newsletter.